Saturday, June 30, 2007, 3:03 PM : 'twas fun
eating chocolate. readin CCS fic. 'a sight for sore eyes'
St. Ehrentrudis was a complete total blast! sad enough that it's over though. And next week is long test week! OMG> but let's not talk about that.
So yesterday, we had our section's feastday and it was fun. XD

eunice,mina,liz,me,ashley & erica

Piano people. a.k.a. HYPER

3rd place in 'amazing race' dark green team!! lmfao.
and these pics are the ones i stole from lizzie,
i don't claim it as mine.
all in all, it was fun.
and i went to club along with rica and pat. anjuju dind't go eh.
well yeah
and bea,sabrina,rica & gracia saw my special soccer move.
Thursday, June 28, 2007, 5:42 PM : Hapii Feastday!
listening to Tokyo Drift by Teriyaki Boyz.
I'm currently downloading songs and burning them. lol
so like uhm rica and gabe were requesting:
1. chain hang low
2.white and nerdy
3.i'm in love with a stripper
lol and i'm still asking others for songs to play for tommorow's celebration. XD
but they're like such a bummer coz they didnt allow cellphones. darn it.
and we had catechism awhilago and they were over time and it's so boring
lmfao i'm doing this for the sake of god loving me so dearly.
currently listening to Temperature by Sean Paul.
RNB music day!
Coz i'm looking for songs that would make me dance for tommorow eh.
how about Umbrela by Rihanna??
Wednesday, June 27, 2007, 10:31 PM : Lawn Mower. XD
lol can't remove the nickname off my head. lmfao.
currently listening to 'lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off' by P!ATD.
my love for them is coming back. lol
i gots a new layout! yay! so hapee. and it's chucks. lol. okay
so i'm blogging from blogger but i connected it to multiply so i won't have to blog the same thing over and over again. lol i'm proud.
oh yeah. my lay was supposed to be something I made but it doesn't seem to work as of the moment. still practicing webbing and stuff.
OMG feastday of TRUDII is near! XD i'm so excited!! lol
anywayz. it's like 10:35 and i have to sleep.
ciao! [2nd time around]
7:57 PM : trudii nickynamez.
ok so these are nicknames that you can never figure out.
1.battery/triple A/energizer
2.lawn mower/flarey nosey
3.moonman [lmfao]
well, i'll never tell you who they are.
except for uhm 2 other people? hahaha.
and we had chem a while ago.
and i'm really pooped out. not literally though.
my head was aching. i just finished my geom homework. XD
i still have to do THE and History.
Monday, June 25, 2007, 9:13 PM : back.
Ok. it's been weeks since I last blogged. so here are enumerated things that happened to me after we came back from hawaii::
10 unforgetables::
1.didn't have internet for one week. wtf.
2.went to school and saw the gang new phone just last saturday. a V3x razr in close friends :: gabe && dosia
5.i belong to ehrentrudis. XD
6.actually have internet again
7.joined futsal club with a thousand others...(suprisingly)
8.i'm their vice president. dammit. you must believe me.
I AM9.we watched a movie called 'quest for fire' and found out that they were not eating the women. They were
fucking[doggy style. dammit]